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Wounded warriors

Welcome to the Wounded Warriors Corner (physical)

At 24JJ we understand that injuries are sometimes part of the journey. That's why we've created the Wounded Warriors Corner—a dedicated space where we look after and support our members through every step of their recovery.

Benefits of just being on the mats.

In the face of adversity, the opportunity for growth and learning are still present - possibly enhanced. Our Wounded Warriors Corner is designed to ensure that every injured member continues to receive the benefits of the instruction and the nourishment of the community.

Rolling Lite and Injury-Focused Support

We recognise the importance of maintaining a connection with the sport during recovery. Our team is committed to providing the necessary support for injured members:

  1. Roll Lite!: Specially planned training methods that will allow injured members to stay engaged with the sport at a controlled intensity, promoting a safe and gradual return to full activity. We all understand the frustration that can come with carrying an injury and there's never a shortage of team mates that are happy to help out in a really light roll, specific sparring or even just specific drilling. What ever the issue we can work around you and if it's that bad - pull up a bean bag and just watch x

  2. Personalised Recovery Plans: We can work closely with injured members to create individualised recovery plans, ensuring a supportive environment that promotes healing while maintaining a connection to the sport. This is done via various methods and resources available to the community. 

The Importance of Self-Discipline and Ego Management

With our Wounded Warriors, we emphasise the significance of self-discipline and ego management during the recovery process:

  1. Self-Discipline: Developing and maintaining self-discipline is crucial for a successful recovery journey and development in general within the sport. It involves adhering to rehab routines, attending therapy sessions if appropriate, and making choices that prioritise long-term health over immediate desires.

  2. Ego Management: Putting the ego aside is a fundamental aspect of recovery and also helping your team mates recover. Give a bit, not every round needs to be a world championship final, let them move, let them stay in positions they can work from, keep it controlled - BE COMFORTABLE TAPPING! The more we relax the more comfortable the environment will be. 

  3. Let it be known: Remember, the journey to recovery is not a solo endeavour. Within our community, we support each other through thick and thin. Together, we ensure that every member, regardless of their current circumstance, continues to grow, learn and benefit from the benefits being on the mats can bring. We can't support you if we don't know you're injured. At the start of a session let us and your partners know if you're carrying any injuries or small niggles and we'll be able to look after you.

Wounded Warriors Corner - (not physical)

Not all wounds are physical and we want to support all our members and the wider community in every aspect we can. Going forward we'll be building relations and working closely with a local charity we're proud to support called "The way of the Warriors." They do excellent work and I'm looking forward to bringing them into the community and for them to share with us their offerings. More on this to follow x 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Wounded Warriors Corner or The way of the Warriors, please feel free to reach out to me directly. We're here for you every step of the way.
